You can’t be what you can’t see. 

We believe deeply that representation matters. Not just in our work, but in the broader industry. And for too long the tech world has been populated and represented by the same types - male, white, similar age, similar background.

It’s time to shine a light on the amazing other voices within our industry.

In our new interview series we meet the most inspiring, game-changing, barrier breaking women who are making waves. We think their stories are challenging, fascinating and at times jaw-dropping.

Do read, enjoy and share.

Women In Tech

  • How women can find courage to leave their career comfort zones

    I’m pleased to introduce the third instalment of Women in Tech, our series of interviews with senior members of the industry we’re lucky enough to know. This time, I talked to Nod Virayasiri, who is Head of Business Marketing - Thailand, TikTok, as well as a fitness fan and coffee lover.

  • How uniqueness is a superpower, and why fitting in isn't the same as belonging

    Description goes hereIn this edition we talk with the infectiously energetic Nishma Patel Robb of Google UK about her career which has seen a huge shift in the way women are supported and invited into tech careers. There’s still a lot of work to do but as Nishma explains, there are ways to help pushing for diversity and equality.

  • "Fitting in, feeling at home and climbing a career jungle gym instead of a ladder"

    I was thrilled when Sapna Chadha, who is Vice President of Marketing and Diversity Lead for Google Southeast Asia and India, agreed to be our first interviewee.

  • “You can’t live life without an algorithm touching it in some way.”

    In this edition of Women in Tech, we talk with Leila Seith Hassan, Head of Data Science and Analytics at Digitas UK. Leila talks about the problems with bias in tech, why AI is not always the answer and the advice she would pass on as a successful woman in data and tech.

  • Translating and refining global diversity targets to give them local impact

    This time, I had a chance to catch up with Sylvia Loke from Meta, who is the APAC Strategic Sourcing Manager for Marketing Services and Supplier Diversity Lead. Sylvia shared her thoughtful insights with me about the challenges and rewards of her work. Bonus: she has a useful tip for staying motivated with exercise!

  • Never just a hobby - how your interests can shape your entire career.

    In this edition we talk with the talented Philippa Davies, Engineering Director of Reaction Engines - aerospace engineer, wife and mum of two with another on the way.

  • How variety and stability go hand in hand for Lenovo Marketer, Rebecca Wang

    In this instalment of Across the Pond’s Women in Tech series, find out what drives Becky, why she believes we should cherish the women we work with, and the secret to keeping up a journaling habit for 20 years.

  • Pink Laptops are patronising

    In this edition we talk with Dr Rain Ashford who specialises in researching and creating wearable technology. We talk about her passion for state of the art technology, aesthetics and research.