GOOGLE quantum ai

Signalling Google’s leadership in the complex, crowded field of quantum computing.


The Google Quantum AI team has just achieved a major milestone: quantum error correction.

This is huge news for two reasons: no other quantum computing company has been able to do the same; and without this innovation, a functioning quantum computer that can solve the kinds of problems we dream about solving, would not be possible.

It’s a breakthrough they want the world to know about - on YouTube, in the press and on social channels too. 

But quantum computing milestones aren’t always the easiest to understand! And can often feel too complex and theoretical to engage scrolling audiences. 

cultural insight

We needed to connect audiences to this announcement. Simply explaining what error correction is wasn’t going to achieve that. We had to contextualize this breakthrough as part of a bigger story; the monumental faith and dedication it takes to build a quantum computer and make strides in such a nascent field.


First we made a docu-style hero film, explaining what quantum error correction is and why it’s so hard to achieve, in very simple terms. Then, layered on top how the team achieved QEC in relatable context: the late nights, whiteboard problem-solving, trial and error, and their eventual success. The result is a picture of a resilient, dedicated team on the cusp of greatness, and the feeling that Google are the horse to bet on in the crowded quantum race.

We also created two more casual, researcher-led videos for social, to boost broader awareness about the Quantum AI team in general. These were posted to Google’s Instagram page and YouTube Shorts, gaining almost 1 million views in 24 hours.

Announcement film


Linked on the homepage on day one release

“Inside a Quantum Computer” IG video received 500k views in first 24 hours

Sundar also tweeted the news/video.

Press coverage